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2025 EBS 수능특강 영어 변형문제 [유형편 4강]

by 티와이 영어 2024. 7. 27.



1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

① Silence can be mistakenly interpreted as a lack of appreciation.

② Specific and positive feedback encourages repeated good behavior.

③ Acknowledging achievements fosters a motivated work environment.

④ Visual aids and celebratory actions can enhance team morale.

⑤ Ignoring success can lead to decreased effort and motivation.

2. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-2]

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

① Defining the quality of news is subjective and varies by context and field.
② Journalistic content is unique due to its civic and democratic responsibilities.
③ High-quality journalism is essential for promoting democratic ideals.
④ The press serves as a watchdog, public forum, and reliable information provider.
⑤ Normative aspects are crucial when evaluating the quality of news.

3. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

① Managers should strive to repair relationships after conflicts.

② Opponents and enemies are not the same and should be treated differently.

③ Finding common ground can help turn enemies into opponents.

④ Maintaining positive relationships is crucial for long-term success.

⑤ It's important to prevent opponents from turning into enemies in discussion. 

4. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

① Continuous economic growth is unsustainable due to environmental limitations.

② Political and management decisions are often driven by profit motives.

③ The economy and environment are interdependent and cannot be separated.

④ Extracting resources without considering ecological limits leads to environmental degradation.

⑤ Sustainable living requires understanding and respecting the boundaries of ecosystems.


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1. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

칭찬은 일관되게 이루어져야 한다.

팀과 개인 모두 성과에 대한 긍정적인 구체적인 피드백이 필요하다.

구체적인 피드백은 반복적인 성공을 보장한다.

성공을 축하하는 다양한 방법을 사용해야 한다.

감사의 표현은 직장에서의 스트레스를 줄여준다.

2. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-2]

Everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

예술 작품과 뉴스의 품질은 동일한 기준으로 평가된다.

뉴스의 품질은 개인의 취향에 따라 다르게 정의된다.

고품질 저널리즘은 민주주의 이상을 촉진하는 역할을 한다.

품질의 정의는 모든 분야에서 동일하게 적용된다.

음악과 회화는 민주적 요소가 강한 문화 제품이다.

3. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

적대적 관계를 피하는 것이 중요하다.

싸움 후에는 반드시 관계를 회복해야 한다.

상대방과의 의견 차이를 해결하는 것이 필요하다.

상대방과 적을 구분하는 것이 중요하다.

상대방과의 협력을 통해 성공적인 결과를 도모해야 한다. 

4. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

정치적 결정은 종의 수확량을 경제적 이익에 따라 결정한다.

지속적인 경제 성장은 환경과 무관하게 이루어진다.

경제와 환경은 서로 독립적인 체계로 운영된다.

자원의 무한한 추출은 생태학적으로 불가능하다.

경제 성장은 생태계의 한계를 고려하지 않고 추구되어야 한다.


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1. 주어진 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 무엇인가? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

① The Importance of Specific and Positive Feedback

② Creative Ways to Celebrate Team Achievements

③ How to Communicate Acknowledgement Effectively

④ The Role of Appreciation in Maintaining Motivation 

⑤ The Consequences of Ignoring Employee Success

2. 주어진 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 무엇인가? [유형편][4-2]

Everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

① The Subjective Nature of Quality Across Fields

② Defining Quality in Cultural Products

③ The Unique Role of Journalism in Democracy

④ Normative Aspects of High-Quality News

⑤ Quality: A Context-Dependent Concept

3. 주어진 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 무엇인가? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

① The Importance of Repairing Relationships After Conflicts

② Differentiating Between Opponents and Enemies in Management

③ Strategies for Managing Workplace Disagreements

④ Turning Enemies into Allies: A Manager's Guide

⑤ The Long-Term Value of Maintaining Professional Relationships 

4. 주어진 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 무엇인가? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

① The Finite Nature of Earth's Ecosystems

② The Impact of Political Decisions on Resource Harvesting

③ The Relationship Between Economy and Environment

④ Sustainable Management Practices for Long-Term Survival

⑤ The Ecological Limits of Economic Growth 


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1. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

① Being quiet is rarely seen as a form of recognition.

② Individuals who consistently perform well still require periodic praise.

③ Giving detailed and affirmative feedback helps ensure good actions are repeated.

④ Recognizing accomplishments can inspire ongoing dedication and success.

⑤ Overlooking achievements does not affect enthusiasm or diligence.

2. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [유형편][4-2]

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

① Evaluating news excellence is challenging because there are no universal criteria.

② The notion of quality varies depending on context, industry, and personal tastes.

③ News media is comparable to other cultural artifacts like songs and artworks.

④ Top-tier reporting upholds democratic principles by serving as a guardian and credible source of information.

⑤ Ethical and normative factors are vital in evaluating news quality.

3. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

① Managers ought to repair relationships following conflicts.

Opponents and enemies are fundamentally alike.

③ Conflicts with opponents can result in joint achievements.

④ It's crucial to stop opponents from becoming adversaries.

⑤ Preserving connections is vital post-dispute.

4. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

① Decisions made by politicians and managers frequently prioritize economic profit.

② The economy is intrinsically linked to the environment.

③ Persistent extraction of resources can be maintained indefinitely.

④ There are finite limits to the Earth's resource supply and waste absorption capacity.

⑤ Adapting to ecological limits is crucial for sustainable survival.



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함축의미 추론

1. 밑줄 친 don't equate silence with appreciation가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behaviour you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

① silence motivates people to achieve their goals

② silence is the best way to show appreciation

③ appreciation should be shown through silence

④ people often misunderstand verbal appreciation

⑤ people need verbal recognition to feel appreciated 

2. 밑줄 친 fourth estate가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-2]

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

① an important component of a democratic society

② a luxurious residential property

③ a historical period of governance

④ a prominent political institution

⑤ a significant financial investment

3. 밑줄 친 they should mend fences after any fight가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

① they should identify potential opponents early

② they should avoid all conflicts at work

③ they should prevent any form of disagreement

④ they should repair relationships after conflicts 

⑤ they should ignore minor disputes and move on

4. 밑줄 친 to live within the limits of ecosystems가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

① to separate the economy from the environment

② to maximize economic growth

③ to use natural resources sustainably 

④ to consume as much as possible

⑤ to increase resource extraction continuously


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1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. _______________________________________________. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

① This promotes a culture of recognition and reinforces positive actions.

② Recognizing specific achievements helps people see the importance of their efforts.

③ Ignoring successes can motivate others to follow suit.

④ This encourages positive feelings and guarantees the behavior is repeated.

⑤ Positive reinforcement is crucial for maintaining high morale.

2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-2]

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because _______________________________________________. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

it constantly evolves with new technological advancements

② it is often judged by its entertainment value and popularity

③ it needs to appeal to a broad and diverse audience

④ it focuses on providing accurate and reliable information

⑤ it plays a crucial role in maintaining public engagement and societal values  

3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but _______________________________________________. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

① conflicts with colleagues are challenging but manageable

② adversaries are much harder to deal with and therefore more dangerous

③ maintaining good relationships is crucial for success

④ disagreements can lead to productive solutions and growth

⑤ opponents can become allies with consistent effort

4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that _______________________________________________. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

① economic growth must consider environmental sustainability

② our environment has finite resources that need protection

③ our economy is intertwined with our environment 

④ political decisions should balance profit and environmental impact

⑤ our economic activities directly affect ecological balance


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1. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

(A) appreciation is essential for motivation and ensures that good behavior is (B).

① Specific and positive …… repeated

② Specific and positive …… forgotten

③ Continuous and critical …… acknowledged

④ Silent and implicit …… noticed

⑤ Silent and implicit …… improved

2. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-2]

다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

→ Lack of (A) makes news quality difficult to measure and context-dependent, but high-quality journalism is crucial for (B).

① civic components …… serving communities

② individual preferences …… maintaining quality

③ journalistic content …… democratic components

④ public forums …… providing information

⑤ universal standards …… promoting democratic ideals 

3. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-3]

다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

→ Managers should mend fences after fights to prevent (A) from becoming (B) by finding points of agreement and supporting them.

① conflicts …… problems

② enemies …… friends

③ colleagues …… competitors

④ opponents …… enemies 

⑤ disagreements …… agreements

4. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

→ Continuous economic growth based on resource extraction is (A) because our economy relies on the (B) resources of our environment.

① detrimental …… infinite

② achievable …… renewable

③ impossible …… infinite

④ preferable …… limited

⑤ unsustainable …… finite 


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답: ① / ⑤ /  ④ / 


1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-1]

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals.

(A) This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments.

(B) Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

(C) Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters.

 (A) - (C) - (B)                (B) - (A) - (C)
 (B) - (C) - (A)                (C) - (A) - (B)
 (C) - (B) - (A)

2. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-2]

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community.

(A) It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component.

(B) Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes.

(C) The idea of the press as the "fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

 (A) - (C) - (B)                (B) - (A) - (C)
 (B) - (C) - (A)                (C) - (A) - (B)
 (C) - (B) - (A) 

3. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal.

(A) Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents.

(B) Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

(C) You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous.

 (A) - (C) - (B)                (B) - (A) - (C)
 (B) - (C) - (A)                (C) - (A) - (B)
 (C) - (B) - (A)

4. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders.

(A) We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly.

(B) But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment.

(C) The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.

 (A) - (C) - (B)                (B) - (A) - (C)
 (B) - (C) - (A)                (C) - (A) - (B)
 (C) - (B) - (A)


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답:  / ② / ④ /  


1. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [유형편][4-1]

This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated.

Most people don't equate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. ( ① ) Acknowledgement and appreciation create a supportive work environment and keep motivation alive. (  )Make your appreciation specific and positive by noting what was done well and why it matters. (  ) So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. (  ) Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. (  ) When you ignore success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

2. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [유형편][4-2]

Therefore, when discussing news quality, normative aspects cannot be overemphasized.

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no agreed-upon standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. ( ① ) The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. ( ② ) Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. ( ③ ) It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is unique because it has a strong civic and democratic component. ( ④ ) The idea of the press as the '"fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ideals by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a reliable information provider. ( ⑤ )

3. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [유형편][4-3]

Opponents are not necessarily enemies.

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should mend fences after any fight. ( ① ) An opponent disagrees with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. ( ② ) That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually successful outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more dangerous. ( ③ ) Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. ( ④ ) Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. ( ⑤ ) The subject of the fight will eventually recede, but you still need the relationships.

4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [유형편][4-4]

But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment.

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. ( ① ) Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. ( ② ) Everything in our economy comes from our environment. ( ③ ) We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. ( ④ ) Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. ( ⑤ ) The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.


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답: ③ / ⑤ /  ① / ②


1.  다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [유형편][4-1]

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Most people ① don't associate silence with appreciation. People whose work is always good still need to hear it from you occasionally. Let them know you've noticed they are meeting their goals. Acknowledgement and appreciation create a ② encouraging work environment and keep motivation ③ dead. Make your appreciation ④ detailed and affirmative by noting what was done well and why it matters. This makes people feel good and it also ensures that the behavior you identify is repeated. So, don't just say, "That was great!" Say, "That was great because ... Both teams and individuals need positive, specific information about their accomplishments. Use your imagination: post graphs showing what the team has achieved; mark the achievement of major milestones or goals by bringing in sandwiches for lunch for everyone to share or putting up balloons; send thank you notes. When you ⑤overlook success, people think it doesn't matter and stop trying.

2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [유형편][4-2]

The quality of news is difficult to measure because there are no ① universally accepted standards that satisfy everyone's definition of high quality. The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community. Defining quality is thus context-dependent, field-specific, and subject to individual preferences and tastes. It is important to note, however, that compared to other cultural products such as music and paintings, journalistic content is ② distinctive because it has a strong civic and democratic component. The idea of the press as the '"fourth estate" stems from the expectation that high-quality journalism promotes democratic ③ values by playing the role of a watchdog, providing a public forum, and serving as a ④ dependable information provider. Therefore, when discussing news quality, ⑤ subjective) aspects cannot be overemphasized.

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [유형편][4-3]

One thing that managers have to keep in mind is that they should ① repair) fences after any fight. Opponents are not necessarily enemies. An opponent ② concurs) with you on the issue, of course, but enemies are one with whom you also have a negative relationship. That makes it personal. You can often work with opponents and strategize toward mutually advantageous) outcomes, but enemies are far more difficult and consequently far more ④ risky. Try to keep opponents from becoming enemies, and work to turn enemies into mere opponents. Find points of agreement, and find ways you can legitimately support those who were your opponents. The subject of the fight will eventually ⑤ diminish, but you still need the relationships.

4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [유형편][4-4]

Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be ① gathered are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking ② ongoing economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We ③ obtain resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before natural processes stop functioning properly. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological ④ reality over the ⑤ extended term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.


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답: ③ /  ⑤  / ②  / ④

★ EBS 수능특강 영어 해설 영상

① 4강 1번 https://youtu.be/SHxZZosW3FM


② 4강 3번 https://youtu.be/VPMJy0mcd9U

